laser cutting machine

Laser cutting technology has now become a very popular part of the industrial space, we can now find the laser cutting machine being utilized in almost all its facets. The Laser cutter uses pretty advanced tech and as such may appear to most as relatively new technology.

It’s no wonder many individuals are surprised to find that its humble beginnings can well be traced as far back as the mid-20th century. Yes! You read that right. In today’s article, we will be looking at the history of Laser cutting machines, the pioneers involved, and their many uses today

When Did The Use Of Lasers For Cutting Begin?

As stated earlier in this article, many people erroneously believe that the origins of the laser cutting machine are firmly rooted in the present century, maybe only a decade old. Who can blame them? After all, the technology is pretty advanced and laser cutters are very precise tools. Still, the concept isn’t new, it is in fact, 60-year-old tech.

Theodore Maiman at the Hughes Research Lab in California was able to make the first laser operate on the 16th of May in the year 1960.

He did this by shining a powerful lamp on a ruby rod with a silver-coated surface. The feat would be overshadowed by Bell Labs’ Kumar Patel in 1964. His device operated longer and was more powerful than its predecessor. It caused a stir amongst the general public, who referred to them as “death rays”. 

The fear was further amplified with the release of the movie “Goldfinger”, where its hero was almost cut in half by a laser.

The Introduction of the Laser Cutting Machine to Production

Three years after Mr Patel’s discovery laser cutting technology underwent an even bigger upgrade, by the ingenuity of Peter Houldcroft. He is responsible for discovering a means by which to increase the speed and precision of the laser cutting machine – oxygen assist gas.

He demonstrated the precision and power of the machine by cutting through a 1mm thick steel sheet. This inspired the first Laser designed for production. Used to cut holes in diamonds, the device was introduced in ’65 by Western Electric. Eventually, research was conducted to determine the cost-effectiveness of laser cutting.

In no time, its use for cutting structural materials and sheets of metal was now applied more often. By the mid-’70s, more machines were produced and in circulation.

Fibre Laser cutting machine; The Debut

Invented in 1963, this machine was built for the sole purpose of rivalling its predecessor. Since its capabilities make it more precise and powerful.

However, its development wasn’t truly complete until the late ’80s when it was then commercially available. In 2008, Fibre Lasers that could cut through reflective metal were introduced and they allowed the cutting of various metals including galvanized steel.

The evolution of the technology spans decades and may even continue for centuries to come. Innovations in the technology will lead to a more powerful laser cutting machine, increased speed and even better precision.